Bir arkadaşım, Almanya da AB destekli Fotoğraf Sanatı üzerine 1 haftalık eğitim konusunda aşağıdaki duyuruyu ilgilenebilecek kişilere iletmemi istedi. Projede için gerekli şartlar ve açıklamaların ayrıntıları aşağıdaki ingilizce metinde yer almakla birlikte şöyle özetleyebilirim;
- 19-25 yaş arasında olmak,
- İngilizce bilmek,
- Eğitim Almanya nın Bonn şehrinde verilecek,
- Eğitim buyılın Haziran ayının birinci haftası veya ikinci haftası olacak,
Daha ayrıntılı bilgi için Serhan Sözmen ( bağlantıya geçebilirsiniz.
Bu güzel imkanı çevrenizdekilere duyurursanız sevinirim. Selamlarımla.
Oğuz Altun
From: Serhan Soezmen []
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 2:38 PM
To:;;;; Seçil SAYIN GÜNDÜZ
Subject: Serhan Sözmen calls for an Photography-Art Project of the European Community
Importance: High
Dear Colleagues,
Based on the experience of last year "Story Telling Week" in Lithuania,
(see:, news of June 22nd 2009)
I am preparing as lecturer of photography at the Alanus Highschool of Arts and social sciences, an EU-application to reshape a project in June/July 2010 for other art-sectors like photography, digital media or painting.
Main idea:
Participants with different backgrounds like regional provenance,
religion and language should learn to reflect cultural differences within
multinational teams and use hereby English language as a common communication tool. Field experiences and class-room will be intertwined.
Durance will be one week including training of technical skills, creation of themes and working these out as a photographic or artistic project.
The project is intended to be carried by EU-means. I therefore need from 6
countries a confirmation to take part and to send a team of 5 people to
Germany. It should be a mix of boys and girls in the age-group 19-25.
I would be delighted if there is interest from your universities, educational facilities or similar. You can certainly forward this message to other universities, foundations etc.
Deadline for the pre-confirmation will be end of February 2010. You can certainly send me a feedback of interest or even lists of possible participants. Four countries have already confirmed their participation.
I will be awaiting your replies. Thank you all in advance.
Sincerely yours
Serhan Sözmen
From: Serhan Soezmen []
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:38 AM
To:;;;; Seçil SAYIN GÜNDÜZ
Subject: Additional Information to Serhan Sözmen´s Art / Photography Project
Importance: High