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Canon 5D Mark III Firmware Update

nayko nayko 30.04.2013 09:02:00

yalıcapkını yalıcapkını 3.05.2013 23:15:00

Sn ilgili fotoğraf yükleyemiyorum gereğini rica ederim

cenkog cenkog 2.05.2013 10:34:00

Biraz da sensörü daha iyi olsaydı aslında tadından yenmeyecek bir gövde olacaktı 5D MKIII, ama güncel Nikon sensörlere göre bir kuşak geriden geliyor Canon...

burake burake 1.05.2013 23:10:00

Paylaşım için teşekkürler...

nayko nayko 1.05.2013 14:13:00

Yeni cikan firmware 1.2.1 versiyonu sadece duzeltmeleri degil bir cok yeniligide getiriyor.

Gelen yenilikler ve digsiklikler kisaca soyle:

1- Sikistirmasiz HDMI cikisi.
2- Merkez crosstype AF noktasi artik f/8 degerine kadar netleme destegi veriyor. Bu ozellikle 70-200 f/4 gibi lensleri 2X extender ile kullananmayan kullanicilar icin sevindirici bir haber.
3- Canon Speedlite lar ile kullanildiginde AF-Asist Beam ile daha hizli netleme
4-Live View veya video cekimi sirasinda Err 70 ve Err 80 hatalarinin duzeltilmesi
5- Pespese otomatik cekimlerde oncelik secenegi olarak coklu cekim secildiginde olusan ufak dopnma sorunu giderilmis.
6- AEB cekim sirasinda vizorde yanlis bilgi gorunmesi sorunu cozulmus.
7- WFT-E7 kablosuz (Wi-Fi) ile iletisim gelistirilmis.
8- Artik WFT-E7 ile transfer yapildiginda basarili olursa “O” isareti bir sorun cikarsa “X” isareti cikacak ve kullanici durumdan hemen haberdar olacak.
9- Eye-Fi kart kullanirken zaman zaman olusan problemler cozulmus.
10- EF 24-70 f/4 IS ile kullanilirken EXIF de dogru fokal uzaklik biriminin gosterilmesi saglanmis.
11- Lens Firmware update problemi cozulmus.
12- Arapca dil destegi duzeltilmis
13- Bazi kameralarda gorulen AF micro ayarinin -8′e gelme sorunu cozulmus.
14- Ekranda, makine Auto ISO ya ayarlandiginda maximum limitin gorulememesi durumu ortadan kalkmis.

Bu degisiklikler hem video amacli hem fotograf amacli 5D Mark III kullanicilari icin oldukca faydali olacak gibi gozukuyor.

nayko nayko 30.04.2013 09:11:00

ChangesFirmware Version 1.2.1 incorporates the following functional improvements and fixes.

1. Uncompressed HDMI output is now enabled.
2. Enables the center AF point to autofocus when the camera is used with Canon EF lens/extender combinations whose combined maximum aperture is f/8.
3. Improves the speed of the camera's acquisition of focus when using a Canon Speedlite's AF-assist beam.
4. Fixes a phenomenon in which the LCD monitor may freeze and display Err 70 or Err 80 when a still photo is taken during Live View or in movie shooting mode.
5. Fixes a phenomenon that may occur when the continuous shooting priority setting is enabled for multiple exposures, such that, after the sixth image is taken, there is a slight pause before the remainder of the sequence is completed.
6. Fixes a phenomenon in which the viewfinder display shows incorrect information during AEB shooting.
7. Communication with the WFT-E7 Wireless File Transmitter has been improved.
8. When images have been successfully transferred with the WFT-E7 Wireless File Transmitter through the FTP protocol, an "O" will be displayed. When images have not been successfully transferred with the WFT-E7 Wireless File Transmitter through the FTP protocol, an "X" will be displayed.
9. Fixes a phenomenon in which the camera may not function properly when an Eye-Fi card is used.
10. Fixes a phenomenon in which the focal length value listed in the Exif information is not displayed correctly for images shot with the EF 24-70mm F4L IS USM lens.
11. Fixes a phenomenon in which the lens firmware cannot be updated properly.
12. Corrects errors in the Arabic language menu.
13. Fixes a phenomenon in which the camera changes the AF microadjustment value to -8.
14. Fixes a phenomenon in which the on-screen guidance cannot be fully displayed when setting the maximum limit value for the "Setting the ISO Speed Range for Auto ISO" option.

* Items No.1 through 12 have been incorporated into firmware version 1.2.0.
* Items No.1 through 14 have been incorporated into firmware version 1.2.1.Firmware Version 1.2.1 is for cameras with firmware version 1.2.0 or earlier. If the camera's firmware is already version 1.2.1, it is not necessary to update the firmware.

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