new species in Turkey: Ak yanaklı arapbülbülü White-eared bulbul Pycnonotus leucotis First record and photo of this species was reported from Turkey by Emin Yogurtcuoglu (19.10.2012) who is experienced and popular birdwatcher in our country. The day after we found them again at the same area together. Thanks to him for this beautiful species and important record. Now Turkey bird checklist reach to 469 through him. If you want to see rare palearctic birds species in Turkey you should to call him :) congratulations Emin Yogurtcuoglu... şeklinde de sunmak lazım, nihayetinde dünyadaki kuş siteleri içinde önemli bir yeri var trakuşun... izleyen ve yorumlayan herkese selam ve sevgiler